What is the industry saying?
I just received this yesterday… It is dated in April 2019.
In March 2019 Lion was at FDIC when Dr Peaslee gave his presentation on PFAS/PFOA/PFOS/etFossa. Lion heard the professor discuss this chemical that degrades to ‘form’ PFOA and in some cases PFOS. Keep that in mind as you read this statement.
International Association of Fire Fighters is also aware of this precursor. And of the PFOA in the dust in your stations.
Earlier this year, March? We held a conference call to prepare the fire service leaders and cancer advocates of the results of Dr Peaslee ‘s testing of 20 years worth of new never worn gear and decommissioned gear. As we did not want the community unprepared and have worked to include the fire service and orgs. Dr Peaslee advised his forthcoming peer reviewed paper would show PFOA in everything except a 2017 moisture barrier. Dr Peaslee would also share this At FDIC where Lion sat in the front row. After FDIC Lion would then go on to visit the Professor in his lab at Notre Dame where they would be shown the study in process.
One of the members on that call was Larry Petrick. Lawrence Petrick, Jr. was Occupational Health and Safety Deputy Director. Larry asked Dr Peaslee if there was any way the PPE could have come in to him contaminated with pfas. Dr Peaslee explained the chain of control to Larry.
Also, earlier this year, I introduced and invited IAFF leaders Matt Vinci, Larry Petrick, Pat Morrison to collaborate with Dr Peaslee. There was no reply to the email.
The 25ppb limit was not set by Oko Tek. Oko Tek may have accepted/adopted that limit because, in 2015… ECHA demanded manufacturers set the PPE limit at TWO ‘2’ ppb… Manufactures said they could not possibly do it. And ECHA compromised to 25ppb in the manufacturers favor.
This statement does not reference the study that Lion discusses. Nor, have I ever heard from anyone in IAFF about this…..