Diane Cotter
4 min readApr 10, 2019


I am deeply troubled thinking of the toxic soup the fire service has been fed for 40 years. While no one said nothing to you, these same companies that profess to have FF Cancer at the core of all they do is the most maniacal thing I’ve ever seen. 3M HID the toxic research from the EPA for 30 YEARS… DuPont/Chemours….. where do I begin… http://www.fluoridealert.org/wp-content/pesticides/effect.pfos.class.timeline.htm

If you are in the fire service, you understand the depths of this great omission. If you are not in the fire service, imagine the tobacco makers preaching lung cancer prevention to it’s customers, telling them their cancer is from air pollution or asbestos or anything but their cigarettes. YES it’s that obscene. DuPont is in everything FF Cancer related, our research, our FF cancer out-reach, even sponsoring the IAFF’s FF Cancer Symposium this year as well .. the list goes on and on..

The testing of samples of 2004 new, and never-worn turnout gear turned up 6 PFAS chemicals. The method used by Professor Peaslee could only tell us just the fraction of the potential that was in the samples.. read that again.. just the fraction is all it could tell us. That fraction had over 14,000 times the new PFOA MRL recommended by the 2018 CDC PFAS Toxilogical Profile FOR DRINKING WATER.. we’re not even close to talking about textile limits. Albeit the EPA has been ‘seeking PFOA comments since 2003’. They are still seeking comments. The testing also showed 279 ug/mL of PFNA or, C9. Again, that’s just the ‘fraction of the potential’ in the samples tested. https://station-pride.com/2018/02/18/fire-gear-laboratory-test-results/

PFNA concerns me as well, due to the nature of it’s effects on the spleen. So, what exactly have we been subjected to? When is the testing going to start, and when can we get answers to what we are wearing?

So, between the AFFF that is used in training and practical incidents (that we just saw the first Prop 65 ‘reproductive cancer warning’ on Viking 3% AFFF, and ., the PFOA/PFNA ., in PPE, what have we been subjected to really?

The list of fire stations with water wells testing elevated due to years of training with AFFF has not even been looked at. And yes we have sounded the alarm. Almost weekly we’re emailing EPA, CDC, IAFF, NFPA politicos and high ranking officials.

Nov 10, 2018. 90 days since Attorney #RobertBilott notified CDC/ATSDR that firefighters have earned that spot on the Pease AFB PFAS Concept Plan. Didn’t the firefighters on that base drink/shower/cook wash engines, hose down hangars, train with, the water too? We do not have another day to waste waiting for CDC and EPA to do something. They’ve been wringing their hands and asking for PFOA comments for over a decade, KNOWING YOU ARE WADING IN THIS STUFF.

What about the AFFF the FF’s are/were exposed to?

This is horrifying to me. The CDC is managing your FF Cancer Registry, and has omitted you from the PFAS concept plan. Where is the outrage fire service???


While we’re at it. The FOX study showed FF’s serum higher in PFOA and PFNA….. check out the results again from Professor Peaslee’s testing….. Remember, in 2015 we had no idea how much PFOA and PFNA was in our PPE. It wasn’t even a blip on the radar.

Biomonitoring in California Firefighters Metals and Perfluorinated Chemicals


Perfluorinated chemical multivariate models (Tables ​(Tables66 to ​to8)8) identified significantly higher (PFOSA) concentrations in firefighters aged 50 years or older. Monthly or more frequent responses to commercial fires were associated with higher PFHpA concentrations. Those who responded to hazardous materials incidents at least monthly had higher concentrations of 2-(N-methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamido) (N-MeFOSAA) than those who did not, whereas any hazardous materials response was associated with significantly higher PFNA values. PFNA and PFOA were also significantly higher in firefighters whose turnout gear had not been professionally decontaminated within the last year. Participants who used Class A firefighting foam had significantly higher PFHpA concentrations than those who did not use any class of foam.
Perfluorodecanoic acid concentrations were three times higher in this firefighter group than in NHANES adult males. Firefighters may have unidentified sources of occupational exposure to perfluorinated chemicals.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5204304/ :

PFOS, PFNA, and PFOA Sub-Lethal Exposure to Embryonic Zebrafish Have Different Toxicity Profiles in Terms of Morphometrics, Behavior and Gene Expression



Yet still, we can’t get you studies for PFAS exposure…. stunning.

Toxological Profile 2018 CDC/ATSDR


p. 536, ATSDR Tox Profile

Occupational Exposure:

“Individuals who perform jobs that require frequent contact with perfluoroalkyl-containing products, such as individuals who install and treat carpets or firefighters, are expected to have occupational exposure to these substances

Still, we’re not able to get doctors to write scripts to test our serum levels for pfas. Nor are we able to get any direction from the EPA OR CDC. They continue to run test.. solicit comments… and they do not reply to emails with ANY plan for the fire service.

Diane Cotter

Your Turnout Gear and PFOA

Rindge, NH

Diane Cotter
Diane Cotter

Written by Diane Cotter

A very private individual who fell into a very public rabbit hole of epic proportions. I call it the #greatestdeceptionever - really, EVER.

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