Diane Cotter
6 min readJun 6, 2020

we can start with that.

On May 7th, 2020 the following offices of Senators and Representatives elected officials received this email:

Reps Harley Rouda, Dan Kildee, Jim McGovern, Annie Kuster, Brian Fitzgerald, Chris Pappas Lisa Blunt, Lori Trahan

Senators: Tom Carper, Elizabeth Warren, Maggie Hassan, Jeanne Shaheen, Bernie Saunders, Ed Markey, Gary Peters

Good Morning,

I wish to call your attention to this 1980 document from DuPont.

This document discusses the permeation of PFOA in PPE. While DuPont took action to protect their workers somewhat, no action was taken to warn the fleet of first responders who were the end user of the product.

In January 2018 we learned from Dr Peaslee of the amounts of PFOA in a set of 2004 new, never-worn, turnout gear (attached).

Previous to 2017, we were told by DuPont the amounts were ‘trace’ amounts of PFOA in PPE.

In addition to the PFOA in the gear, we are extremely concerned about the PFOA in the dust of fire houses across the nation.

In DuPont’s own document they state they are extremely concerned about inhalation.

I’d like to point out that when our PPE specialist Jeff Knobbe reviewed the DWR coating ratings from various manufacturers, he noted that some of the coatings were more than 14% of the recommended amounts.

To put it bluntly Paul and I are stating it is our position that firefighters have been wearing PFOA for profit by the chemical giants that are immersed in the fire service. Not knowing it was there. Being told it was only ‘trace amounts’ when questioned.

This is a very convenient place to pad share price in a industry where the manufacturers themselves are making the decisions for the fire service by sitting as ‘voting members’ of our own NFPA 1971 Standards for Structural Fire Fighting (see attached).

The NFPA 1971 Standard is revised every 4 years. It is an arduous process.

Here is what the committee looked like in 1985 (I have also attached a highlighted page from this document):

It is now 2020. Have we been wearing/breathing/absorbing PFOA for 40 years?

I’m sorry to have to continue to ask, but when will we see in inquiry by our leaders on Capitol Hill on this matter?

While very appreciative of the actions going forward to reduce first responder PFAS exposures in NDAA, and in the actions taken by Senator Shaheen, Senator Gary Peters, and Annie Kuster, Dan Kildee, Jim McGovern, Brian Fitzpatrick and others, it does not answer the question of ‘who knew what and when did they know it’…

On April 8th, I filed my 7th Department of Justice complaint in 3 years into this matter. I received word my case had been closed. They found no anti-trust issues with my 132 page document. The turnaround time was stunning. In a matter of days the DoJ found no conflict of interest or antitrust violations.

I will send the full 132 page document to anyone who requests it. Today please find a portion of the document here.

I hope you will open the links in the statement to understand clearly what I am saying. I am also attaching the study done by Lion Manufacturing. Lion is the largest manufacturer of military PPE and countless municipal fire stations as well. Lion hired ‘Exponent’ to conduct their PFOA in PPE study.

See Exponent’s 5 page summary here:

During one meeting with our PPE specialist Jeff Knobbe , Dr Paul Chrostowski spoke to Jeff about the study and that the PFOA in turnout gear was nothing to worry about. Nor was the dust.

Dr Paul Chrostowski spent 9 years in The Weinberg Group. He was in charge of risk management:

In the last few weeks I have contacted the Boston FBI, and the Washington FBI. Both said they could not help me and referred me to the GSA. A procurement office.

I contacted the Whistleblowers Action Group — they provided a list of attorneys I could contact.

In very short time we will see the study conducted by Dr Graham Peaslee.

His study looks at 20 years worth of new, never-worn turnout gear, and matching decommissioned gear. Many of you are in contact with Dr Peaslee regularly.

His study confirms our fears and more. Dr Peaslee’s study shows where he found PFOA, what years (all) he found PFOA and that the PFOA is migrating from the outer shell to the thermal layer (closest layer to the skin of a firefighter). His study has found that the precursor used in textiles is ‘forming PFOA in a matter of hours to days’.

This is significant because we are told by our manufacturers ‘they no longer use PFOA, they never used PFOA, and the new C6 chemistry is 10 times less toxic’….

Have we had no warning. For 40 years? While DuPont has been immersed in our fire service safety standards and cancer summits. They remained silent. In 2005 both DuPont and W.L. Gore were ordered by the United Steelworkers Union to notify the end user of the harms of PFOA. They never did. They doubled down on their own science.

We would like to ask a this time that our elected officials begin to put together a task force to investigate this issue please.

September 10, 2019, from Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz: DuPont, 3M, Chemours; “There are no plans to compensate veterans and firefighters who have been harmed by PFOA and PFOS”. WATCH EXCHANGE HERE:

Update: 5.9.2020

Somehow this appeared when I needed it most to support my statement of this issue being the #GreatestDeceptionEver. Here is the ‘Weinberg Group’s’ Dr. Paul Chrostowski telling the fire service that there is no minimal amounts of PFOA in PPE- that the amounts are so minimal there is nothing to be concerned of. And that if you do have PFOA in you it’s from your toothfloss, cause that pfoa is dangerous, but not the pfoa on your turnout gear. I’m not making this up. Dr. Chrostowski was hired by Lion Gear. Lion outfits the military and countless municipal firefighters with turnout gear.

side note… in 1999 #markboal did this piece on Lion:

I’m out of options. I need a miracle.. someone please.. rescue the rescuers.

Fireside chat.

This is the doctor r that called in with Jeff Knobbe our PPE specialist from California during his visit with Andy Schwartz when Jeff asked to see the Lion study. Done by Exponent.

Dr Chrostowski was the Weinberg Groups risk management person for 6 years.

Here is the Weinberg Memo

The study says they only had one set of turnout gear but in this video he’s saying they had more? This is also the same language IAFF’s Pat Morrison is using. Volleyballs and tennis balls.

I’m gravely concerned about the message this is sending to the nation’s firefighters.

Will you act now? Will you please call these people to Capitol Hill for an investigation?



Diane and Paul Cotter

Rindge, New Hampshire




Diane Cotter

A very private individual who fell into a very public rabbit hole of epic proportions. I call it the #greatestdeceptionever - really, EVER.