Deception: When Our Studies Come With Help From Our Perpetrators.

Diane Cotter
5 min readMar 22, 2020

We’re going to look at the research…

2014: Identification of Soils on Firefighter Turnout Gear from the Philadelphia Fire Department

I would like to thank Deborah Lander of DuPont Haskell, for your guidance, encouragement, hard work and attention to this study. Richard Young of DuPont, Daniel Silvestri of 911 Safety Equipment, Jim Baker of LION Total Care, Karen Lehtonen of LION Apparel, Joey Underwood of Safety Components, Brian Shiels of PBI Products, Diane Hess of PBI Products, and Kim Henry of PBI

The samples of soiled PPE from this study went to DuPont’s Haskell Labs. No PFAS was studied.

You would be correct to ask, why was no PFAS studied?

The answer is: The study was produced via thesis by Tabitha Huston. The chemicals studied in her thesis did not include PFAS in any form. The author of the thesis thanks Dr. Easter, Lion Gear, DuPont and the fire departments she worked with. While Tabitha Huston may not have realized the gear was saturated in PFC’s (as they were called in 2014) clearly the manufacturers did, as their own advertising states the names of the DWR’s.

How were the 2014 chemicals chosen?

They were chosen from a 2000 thesis of Chastity Newsome and the 2003 thesis by Candace Underwood, also a student of Dr. Elizabeth Easter at University of Kentucky who works closely with DuPont, Ten Cate, Lion, etc.

The question one must ask is, if gear is tested for chemical soils on turnout gear, how is it the actual coatings of the turnout gear were never considered part of the soils?

Because they knew. Had this question / testing been done in 2000, 2003, 2011, etc., we wouldn’t have lost twenty years to firefighters wearing staggering amounts of PFOA and other PFAS in turnout gear.

In the 2023 ‘Forever Project’ a colloboration of universities and environemental groups, you may view the documents relative to any phrase. I chose ‘Haskell Labs’, with a result of 178 studies done on C-8, Teflon, etc. All done at Haskell Labs. BUT, you could say, “well maybe the people working on the turnout gear moisture barrier issue weren’t aware of PFAS Diane, that was 20 years ago…

You would be wrong. Because, one of the parties involved in all of studies was DuPont’s Dr. Deborah Lander. During the 2013 thesis she was Senior Risk Assessor for… DuPont Chemicals. And, this study was then used by NIST. But, no one at NIST asked about the chemicals on the gear itself. Oh, Dr Lander? Her specialty is in dermal risk assessment.

…. alright Diane, but what’s her take on PFAS??

… SILLY PEOPLE… you need ask???

…. nothing to worry about folks.


LION Cancer Awareness


This study by LION was done by Exponent… This study is ‘reviewed and supported by the IAFF’. Research ‘Exponent.. here’s a starting point from the previous Director of OSHA, Dr David Michaels:

2020: Deadlier than Fire;

Data gathered from the mannequin, which is armed with sensors and better known at N.C. State as “Pyroman,” is just one tool researchers are using to better protect firefighters from carcinogens that increase their risk of cancer.

Also new in the college is Thermo-Man, donated by duPont. The $500,000 mannequin made of non-flammable resin will test flame resistant fabrics in a flammability chamber. His body contains sensors that will generate computer data on burn damage sustained in experiments.

here’s the problem… do you think they are testing Pyroman for PFAS COATINGS?… NO.. they are not… want to know why? Cause DuPont owns Pyroman.. and this research lab.

“Researchers including Ormond, are studying what chemical compounds are getting stuck to and later releasing from a firefighter’s turnout gear.”

(it’s not clear if they are just studying products of combustion or also the PFAS coatings….)

My guess will be not.. here’s why:

The study is being done at the Textile Protection And Comfort Center (TPACC) at North Carolina State University :

The Pyro-Man system is a vital part of the newly opened DuPont Thermal Protection and Comfort Laboratories at

North Carolina State University’s College of Textiles.

and ……. almost a million in a grant to study :

T-PACC has joined forces with materials giant DuPont and turnout gear producer Globe Manufacturing Co. to create a next-generation uniform that offers firefighters increased protection and mobility. The work is so critical to the nation’s anti-terrorism effort that the $830,000 NC State received for its part of the project was the first science and technology grant ever awarded by the Department of Homeland Security.

But while DuPont is sponsoring the IAFF cancer summits , and while you’re still being diagnosed with cancer, and while Pat Morrison is still wavering trying to hold HAS’s industry line ., we’re not talking about the known carcinogen in the coating of your gear…. that we know have been there since 2017:

Let’s face it fire service.. DuPont is calling the shots in everything you put on your back…. INCLUDING THE RESEARCH.

dc 3.22.2020



Diane Cotter
Diane Cotter

Written by Diane Cotter

A very private individual who fell into a very public rabbit hole of epic proportions. I call it the #greatestdeceptionever - really, EVER.

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