first… a little background information….
March 2017: Jon Marr, editor of Station Pride publishes my article and titles it…. The Real Cancer In Your Gear…
…it went viral and if you’re a firefighter reading this you know the saga. Back when TRCIYG was being disseminated by the fire service I’d read the comments from firefighters trying to make sense of it all. It was staggering to learn that even a suggestion of this Backdraft meets Raidum Girls times Dark Waters could be possible. One of the comments was from Jim Reidy who I had no idea who he was but sensed he wanted to do his own investigation and… might have been offended that I suggested the manufacturers who sit on the voting committees of the NFPA could possibly be the flex behind the power.
Thanks for the information and the obvious passion put into the article. I’m sorry that you and your husband have gone thru this. I’ve watched my friends and brothers die or have to retire from cancers we’re sure come from the job. As a firefighter member and rep on the 1971/1851 committee, I can tell you that cancer reduction for our brothers and sisters is a primary focus among the end user/firefighter reps; as I’m sure it is for everyone on this 35 member committee. We receive a great deal of information as its discovered, validated, and processed. We’ve tried to reduce our carcinogen contamination by adding to the standard better and more frequent on scene decon, routine cleaning, and advanced cleaning of our PPE. Hopefully we’ll close off the last opening for dermal absorption by allowing creation of a hood (optional) that will block the carcinogenic particles contained in the smoke. But dermal absorption also comes during overhaul and later in cross contamination and while we can try to address this, culture is also a part of the problem. We are trying, but we’re only as good as the information we can gather or receive. Since the Cincinnati Meta Study and the subsequent ones done by various fire service, research, and government entities; more and more information is being brought forward. While i don’t speak for everyone, please be assured that; the committee is very focused on reducing firefighter carcinogen contamination, and the firefighter/end user group is not subservient to the manufacturers. I would invite you to attend any of our upcoming 1851 committee meetings to see what goes on firsthand and provide whatever input you want to. Thanks again for the information. I’ll certainly be seeking information regarding PFOA. Jim Reidy
But…. as time went on my mind would be made up that Jim has very close ties with one of the parties my husband and ten thousand other firefighters are suing. Milliken. Jim brings his friend (CEO of Milliken) along with him to some very important discussions.
(I’ve also been told by the flames around the nation that Jim sits at the big boys table when it comes to firefighter trade events.)
Maybe it all began back in the 2000’s .. or before?.. but when Jim was lurching over my Linkedin last week and the week before well.. you know ~ fuck around and find out.
The campaign will launch at FDIC 2024.
Classroom Session — Jim Reidy.
he sounds a tad angry
He hasn’t gotten over this haymaker from Dr. Whu ~
Jim voted against removing the ‘fallacious uv light test’ from NFPA 1971 He is concerned about unintended consequences. He messaged me to ask if I was trying to kill firefighters during a heated exchange of messages. I replied I heard he sits at the table with the big boys of industry.
The campaign began in Europe in September 2023. The European Chomical Agency sets limits and asks ‘stakeholders’ for comments. The PPE manufacturers in 2012 said ‘NO’ to any limits of PFAS in turnout gear as it was essential. ECHA said, ‘yeah no, that’s not happening boys and girls’. You got stuck with a industry compromise that your gear makers touted to you as a ‘safety limit of 25 ppb PFOA and 1ppm PFOA precursor’. So here is the latest from ECHA. But please continue to scroll down if you’re not a PFAS nerd. I want you to see what’s coming and how it’s packaged.
I’ve been following the ECHA European Chemical Agency progress on PFAS restrictions and produced a blog relative to firefighter PPE here:
I came across a post on ‘X’ recently that stuck out as it looked ‘industry’ driven.
So who and what are part of this group that is speaking about ‘necessary’ PFAS in firefighter turnout gear?
But Milliken went PFAS FREE WITH THEIR OUTER SHELL? DIDN’T THEY? .. because “it was the right thing to do”.. and they’re … leading ??
But this old girl won’t forget the 2017 work of Milliken.. so yeah, that’s not leading Milliken.. you followed after your impaled yourself on your sword.
In 2017, after The Real Cancer In Your Gear, Milliken produced a White Paper to tell you the new C6 product was TEN TIMES LESS TOXIC !!
So why are they still at it? Because if you read the comments from the Textiles Services EU group — THEY ARE STILL PUSHING C6.
FireDex uses Milliken material. For which they now have PFAS free Outer Shell. ( A trusted leader in NC told me TenCate didn’t want Graham Peaslee to test it though. They didn’t want to work with ‘that guy’.)
Jim’s arms are long and reaching. Decades in the fire service institutions — just like John Granby of Lion Gear.
Be smart people. If it sounds like bullshit — it is.. but please, make sure you attend Jim’s workshop at FDIC !!
JUNE 2024 Jim submits emergency TIA to NFPA to reinstate a modified version of the UV light test for moisture barriers